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Joseph Haydn: Creation Mass

Joseph Haydn:  Creation Mass 

© 2013 (CD ROP6083)
total time 54:42

Title available on iTunes

Catalogue no.: ROP6083

EUR 16,95

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In the 1970s German game-show ""Name the Melody"" – which asked candidates to name songs from operas and operettas – Joseph Haydn would have hardly played a role. Yet: listening to this CD might arouse similar exclamations of ""Ah, yes, of course!"" when hearing the sounds of his Creation Mass, for the composer has hidden a quotation from his oratorio The Creation here, which Matthias Grünert and the Reußisches Kammerorchester uncover with charm and wit. The local ""royals"" of the day, by the way, were ""not amused"" by this musical conjuring trick.

Operas were, however, the preferred playground for the youngest member of Johann Sebastian Bach’s family: Johann Christian is frequently also referred to as the ""Milan Bach"" or the ""London Bach"". Cosmopolitan and open for the stylistic developments of his day, he has in common with Haydn the friendship with a certain Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The latter’s spirited nature shines forth from the Symphony in B-flat major recorded here, and whose lively drive enters into a remarkable dialogue with Haydn’s Mass.

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American Record Guide (13.03.2014):

"What got my attention immediately was the lush, juicy sound of the orchestra. The attractive youthful solo voices came next; and before I knew it, I had been drawn into a lovely performance of Haydn's vivacious Schopfungsmesse. [...] Grunert's flair for dynamic contrasts creates some imaginative shading as well. [...] It's handsome Haydn [...], with JC Bach's 13-minute toetapper along for a zippy, pleasentely innocuous ride. [...] I'm pleased to welcome this one."

Glaube + Heimat (December 2013, Irmengart Müller-Uri):

"Haydns musikalische Exegese der Messe strahlt in erster Linie Glanz und Fröhlichkeit aus, er selbst äußerte sich dazu sinngemäß, dass für ihn die Gewissheit der Vergebung eine solche Freude bereite, dass er seinem 'fröhlichen Gemüte Luft machte und miserere etc. mit Allegro überschrieb'. Die 23 lupenrein intonierenden Sänger des Kammerchores, ein exzellentes Solistenquartett und das Kammerorchester bringen die Messe mit Intensität und dabei fein nuanciert zur Aufführung, vom demütigen Innehalten zum Beginn des 'Kyrie' bis zum strahlenden 'Gloria'. Die 'Sinfonia' des jüngsten Bachsohnes Johann Christian Bach ist von italienischer Leichtigkeit, Klangsinnlichkeit und Eleganz geprägt. Grünert schließt sich dieser Stilistik voll an und interpretiert das Werk schwungvoll und zugleich kolossal exakt und tranparent. Beide Kompositionen werden auf hohem Interpretationsniveau geboten."


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