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Musica in discantu II - Sacred Music From Europe

Musica in discantu II -  Sacred Music From Europe 

Works by Martha Alter, Henrik Colding-Jørgensen, Robert Fuchs, Jaakko Mäntyjärvi, Vytautas Miškinis, Knut Nystedt, Franz Schubert, Paul Stanhope, Siegfried Strohbach
© 2006 (CD ROP6012)
total time 52:29

Title available on iTunes

Catalogue no.: ROP6012

EUR 12,95

19 % VAT incl.

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It is Katrin Wende-Ehmer’s professed aim to perform new or seldom heard original music for women’s choir time and again—alongside favourite classics, such as Schubert’s Ständchen, which of course also have their place in concerts given by the Münchner Frauenchor. Even the Romantic period still has surprises in store, as the three enchanting compositions by Robert Fuchs demonstrate. Likewise recorded on CD for the first time is Der Ölbaum, a composition commissioned by the Münchner Frauenchor from Knut Nystedt in 2003.

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