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Ultimum New A Cappella Music

Ultimum New A Cappella Music 

© 2016 (CD ROP6113)
Total time: 54:45

Catalogue no.: ROP6113

EUR 16,95

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In “heavenly beautiful tones,” the Kammerchor Saarbrücken, under the direction of Georg Grün, offers a performance of rarely heard a cappella Passion music by Wolfgang Rihm, Paweł Łukaszewski and Theo Brandmüller. The contemporary works are based on texts for both Passion and requiem music that draw the listener into diverse sonic worlds through their tonal colors and beauty.

Like a modern stained glass window in a gothic church, Rihm’s Sieben Passionstexte (“Seven Passion Texts”) – rarities of the a cappella repertoire – skillfully spans a musical bridge from the present day to classical vocal polyphony. In contrast, Łukaszewski embraces the Holy Week in his expansive Responsoria Tenebrae through select biblical quotations. And in Brandmüller’s Le Paradis, the listener is able to appreciate how the Kammerchor Saarbrücken masters the demands of an extremely complex and demanding work. Completed by the choir’s director Georg Grün, this opus ultimum concludes the recording with the conciliatory encounter with death, so to speak, in “heavenly beautiful tones.”

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Chorzeit (November 2016, Ulrike Schalz-Laurenze)

„Die typisch Rihmsche Expression, die ihm in den siebziger Jahren so viel Kritik einbrachte, der er aber immer treu geblieben ist, wird in diesen Lukas-Texten auf klangschöne, überlegene, auch explosive Weise ausgefahren. Georg Grün, Gründer und Dirigent des Chors seit 1990, gelingen regelrechte Fortissimoschläge als unbeschreibliche vokale Kraftfelder."

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