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Gotthold Schwarz: der Seel’ und Mundes Stimm’

Gotthold Schwarz: der Seel’ und Mundes Stimm’ 

© 2011 (ROP6053)
total time 76:34

Catalogue no.: ROP6053

EUR 12,95

19 % VAT incl.

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Under the heading “With Soul and Voice”, the musicians Gotthold Schwarz, Siegfried Pank, and Hans Christoph Becker-Foss approach the messages of sacred texts. The trio’s unobtrusive set-up underlines the character of “Christian home-devotion” prevalent in the selected compositions by Georg Philipp Telemann, Dietrich Buxtehude, and Johann Sebastian Bach. These pieces were primarily used for private devotions in small groups, and occasionally in churches, but were not intended for the general, musical public. The close relationships between the Lied and cantata genres as well as the astonishing richness of unique sacred songs are illustrated by the works recorded on this disc.

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Gotthold Schwarz
Siegfried Pank
Hans Christoph Becker-Foss

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